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Payment Types
Wire Transfer
  Wire transfers are accepted in US Dollars only. Make sure to pay all fees or the funds we receive will not be enough to cover the order total. Please contact us for specific wire transfer information.
****Add $25 wire transfer fee (From a US Bank)
****Add $65 wire transfer fee (From an International Bank)
Credit Card/Debit Card
Accepted Credit Card/Debit Card Types

Currently we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.

Billing Address

Your billing address is the address the bank issuing your credit card has on file for you. Make sure you give us the correct billing address to avoid delays in processing your order. The billing address is verified through the Address Verification System (AVS) with Authorize.net. You are welcome and encouraged to use your billing address as your shipping address to prevent order delays Shipping to an Alternate Address If you would like your shipping address to be different than your billing address then we CAN accomdate you. But, Since your shipping address does not match the billing address on file with your credit card company, your order will be placed on a temporary hold. We will not charge your credit card the full amount, instead we will charge your card a small amount between .10 cents and .99 cents. You will need to confirm this amount before we can ship your order. This is not an additional charge to your card. The total charged to your card will never be greater than what you have authorized.


Why Do We Do This?

Unfortunately there is a considerable amount of credit card fraud from either stolen cards or stolen numbers. This is especially true in the paintball industry. The only way to protect both us and you against this fraud is to ship to these verified addresses. We understand that occasionally this may cause some unfortunate delays and hassles. Please understand that we're trying to protect you, our customer, as much as ourselves.

International Credit Cards

Since we are unable to verify addresses for internatioanl credit cards through the Address Verification System (AVS) with Authorize.net. most international orders are automatically placed on temporary hold until we can verify you as the card holder.  Please refer to the Billing Address section above for information.

  To pay by PayPal…
On the payment information section choose the PayPal payment method from the drop down menu. Click 'Place Order' to continue. After you 'Complete Your Order' you will need to click the 'Continue' button above the PayPal logo to be transferred to the PayPal web site so you can log into your account and send payment to us. If you do not take this step then the order is not paid for and will not be processed.

If you chose Pay Pal but did not make your PayPal payment…
If you did not make your PayPal payment when you completed your order don't worry! We will send you a PayPal Money Request. If you did not receive just let us know and we will send one.

Canceled Orders from non payment…
Orders that indicate they will be paid by Pay Pal, that go without payment for 7 days will be canceled. We do keep them archived though so you can still make your payment at any time and we'll 'restore' and process your order as normal. Marking them 'Canceled' just clears out our database.
Is PayPal Secure? From PayPal's web site…
The security of your information, transactions, and money is the core of our business and our top priority at PayPal.
PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information in transit from your computer to ours using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available). Before you even register or log in to our site, our server checks that you're using an approved browser - one that uses SSL 3.0 or higher.
Once your information reaches us, it resides on a server that is heavily guarded both physically and electronically. Our servers sit behind an electronic firewall and are not directly connected to the internet, so your private information is available only to authorized computers.

Google Checkout
  Add the items you would like to purchase to your cart.  When you're ready to complete your purchase, click the Google Checkout button in the cart . Sign up or sign in to google, review your order, and you're done.
Money Order
  If you would like to make a purchase and pay with a Money Order or Cashier's Check (We accept US Dollars only) we'd be happy to accomodate you.  Go ahead and prepare your purchase as normal by adding items to your cart.  Once you've added all the items you want to your cart you can enter your country, state and zip code to see your shipping options and charges.  Complete your order using the 'Proceed to Checkout' button on your cart or 'Login & Checkout' if you are a returning customer.   After entering your billing and shipping information, choosing your shipping method you'll be able to choose your payment type.  Choose 'Money Order' from the drop down menu.  Continue by clicking the 'Place Order" button.  At that point you'll get an order confirmation email and an order ID #.  Print your confirmation email or print the 'Printable Receipt' and send it in with your money order for your 'Cart Total'.  When the money order gets here we'll send out the order.Make your money order payable to Extreme Sports, Inc.  And send it to 811 E 23rd St.  Suite E Lawrence, KS 66046.  Once you complete your order we'll hold it for 1 month as 'Processed - Awaiting Payment'.  If we haven't received payment in 1 month we will change the status to 'Canceled - No payment'.  Don't worry though. You can still send in your payment whenever you like.  If we receive your payment for a 'Canceled' order we'll simply restore it and send it on out. 

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